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Open Auditions
for RedBird's next production

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Wildly relevant and bitingly funny, EUREKA DAY premiered in California; was produced off-Broadway; then in London; and recently enjoyed a limited run on Broadway (final Broadway performance was February 16, 2025).  


RedBird is excited to present EUREKA DAY’s regional premiere! 


The Eureka Day of the title is a private elementary school with a Board of Directors that values inclusion above all else — until an outbreak of mumps forces everyone in the community to reconsider the school’s liberal vaccine policy.   


Personalities and belief systems clash as the Board is ultimately forced to take a stand that won’t please absolutely everybody.



— Broadway News



— Deadline




Auditions will be held on Sunday, March 16

@ Center Theater, 300 E. Main St., Carrboro, NC.

Click the links above or below to sign up.

Audition slots are in five-minute increments, but please be prepared to stay for half an hour

Click here for sides from the script and more information for auditioning actors.


EUREKA DAY will be directed by Hope Hynes Love.

Rehearsals will begin on April 4th.

Performances will be in May (specific dates/locations TBA).

Actors and all other RedBird artists are paid for their work.




DON – Early 60s. White.

No kids.  Head of School, Ex Music Teacher, Moved to Berkeley from New England to catch the last part of the hippie movement.  Always a calming presence.  Meditates daily with his wife of many years.  


SUZANNE – Mid-50s. White.

Mom of Sebastian, Arlo, Izzy, Juniper, Thomkins, and Walden.  Warm, Gracious. She & her husband are UC Berkeley graduate school sweethearts who stayed. Raising their six children has been the joy of her life.  She considers her space on the board, nurturing the school they attend,  as intertwined in that mission. She lives in a four-million-dollar house (but she’ll tell you it was much cheaper when they bought it) but thinks of herself as middle-class, not wealthy.


CARINA – Mid-40s. Black or Bi-racial.

Mom of Victor.  The newest board member, her son Victor, has been at the school for less than a year since they moved from the East Coast.  She is a child of a military family and has excellent skills at joining a new group and navigating the dynamics.  She has worked in nonprofits and has experience with well-intentioned white people.  While she is good at putting other people at ease, she is still sussing out how comfortable she is in this Berkeley community.


MEIKO – Mid-30s. Bi-racial: Japanese/White (self-described Hapa).  

Mom of Olivia.  Berkeley native, never wanted to live anywhere else.  Single mother by choice.  A little bored with her job (which she is good at), and a little worried it’s too late to have another child, although she thinks about it. 


ELI – Mid-30s. White: Jewish or Half Jewish.

Dad of Tobias.  Stanford grad, Silicon Valley guy who cashed out early (and big) and is looking for the next thing to occupy his time and energy.  He has a ton of hipster hobbies, and he and his wife have an open marriage but only after hours of therapy so that it was done in a meaningful and healthy way, that was years ago though. Oblivious but well-meaning. 

WINTER — 30s-50s. A Person of Color

Newest Board Member. This is a cameo role that involves joining the cast for the final scene. No lines. 

The director will only consider general auditioners for casting in this role who specifically request it at auditions. General auditioners will not be cast in this role without a conversation about their interest level. 

Audition slots are in five-minute increments, but please be prepared to stay for half an hour

Click here for sides from the script and more information for auditioning actors.

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This project was supported by the Durham Arts Council’s Annual Arts Fund and the N.C. Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural & Cultural Resources.

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(A) cast on par with Broadway, Off-Broadway, the actor-driven ensembles of theater cities like Chicago, and the best touring productions nationwide....  It’s a top pick for those of us who love great acting...

— critic Amy Munice on Max Posner's THE TREASURER

produced in 2025 by American Theater Practice and Merrybelle Park Productions in association with RedBird Theater Company

(performed in Carrboro, North Carolina)


WOW! A show like this -- penned by a local playwright and produced by a local company with local actors and creative team -- makes me proud to be a North Carolinian!

— critic Kurt Benrud on RedBird’s 2024 production of Patricia Esperon’s THE GIRLFRIENDS’ GUIDE TO THE WHITE HOUSE

(performed in Durham, Hillsborough, Pittsboro, and Chapel Hill, North Carolina)


Razor-sharp characterizations… make RedBird Theater Company's ART one of the strongest shows of the year.

— critic Byron Woods on RedBird’s 2024 production of Yasmina Reza’s ART

(performed in Durham, Carrboro, and Hillsborough, North Carolina)


The Regulator Bookshop has partnered with RedBird to offer an exciting selection of titles relevant to our productions. 

RedBird Patrons will receive a 10% discount on book purchases!

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"You can't help it. An artist's duty, as far as I'm concerned, is to reflect the times."

Nina Simone (Tryon, NC)

- pianist/singer/composer/activist -

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